Beyond the invisible


Cookie Policy

This website uses cookies for its functionality. By continuing to browse this site you agree to our use of cookies. More information about cookies is reported down below.
This cookie police’s objective is to provide information about the types, porpuses, and the ways of usage and management of the cookies used while browsing the website www.aminstruments.com (AM Instruments from now on).
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files temporary stored in your browser’s memory, and so in your computer, for periods of time that vary depending on what you need.
We can identify two types of cookie, basing on the person that manages that website’s cookies:

  • “Primary cookies”: These cookies are directly managed by the owner/editor of the website (AM Instruments).
  • “Third-part cookies”: These cookies are managed by subjects extraneous to the website visited by the user, but hosted by this one.

Primary cookies:
Cookies have a very important role in surfing the Internet. We use cookies to improve and make the user’s experience easier, storing, for example, some information about the user’s browser (e.g. nation, language, etc.), and preserving him from having to insert them again during the next visits to the website. AM Instruments doesn’t use primary cookies to trace the online behaviour of users on websites we use for marketing purposes. What kind of cookies do we use?
You can find the description of primary cookie types sent by the website AM Instruments down below:
Technical Cookies:
Technical cookies are fundamental for the correct functioning of some sections of this website. They allow the normal web surfing and the usage of all the services available on our website, without which the site wouldn’t work correctly. Session cookies are sent to the user’s device/browser to answer technical and functional needs (for example to transmit session IDs, necessary to the authentication to reserved areas) but are not persistently memorized on the user’s computer and are deleted at the end of the “session” simply by quitting the browser.
Third part cookies:
While browsing our website, it is possible that some cookies that don’t belong to our domain (third part cookies) are sent to an other website, for example when users visit a page including contents and/or services of other websites. Some third parts might send cookies that permit to understand the habits and preferences shown by the user during the navigation, through the websites managed by AM Instruments,.
Certain types of cookies managed by a third part, allow us to obtain aggregated statistic information about the visits received and the navigation habits, in order to improve the usage and the performance of our website. For a greater clarity, we report a list of the types of third part cookies that might send cookies while browsing our website and the pages/websites where you can find the information about the use of those cookies and deny your agreement for their transmission.
What third part cookies do we use?
AM Instruments’ website uses third part services that might send cookies:

  • Google, that includes Youtube
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Twitter

How we get the consent for cookies’ reception:
According to the effective norm, during the first visit to our website it is requested a previous consent to send primary and third parts cookies, consent that can be expressed through the following methods:

  • by clicking on any link you find in the page
  • clicking on “ok” on the banner containing the information summary
  • through the acnowledgment of this cookie policy

How to manage cookies through your browser’s preferences:
The consent to the reception of the cookies can also be expressed through specific configuration of the browser. The majority of browsers allows to set rules to organize the cookies sent from some or all the websites. This option offers the users a more precise control on their privacy settings and to deny the possibility of reception of the cookies themselves. Here are reported the instructions to organize cookies through the main browsers’ settings:
Internet Explorer | Firefox | Chrome | Safari 
AM Instruments would like to point out that the restriction to the capability of websites to send cookies can make the users’ global browsing experience worse or impede the correct functioning of some services supplied by the website.